Wolfgang Huber traversing the Aiguille d'Entrèves on the French/Italian border. Italy makes up the right side of the frame, France the left.
Cecil Groetken looking 1,000ft down from the summit of Pigeon Spire in the Bugaboos after soloing the West Ridge.
A rare perspective Mt. Rainier at night from the summit of Little Tahoma.
Ridge on Denali's West Buttress which Jon Krakauer wrote about: "it’s also true that if you should, say, trip on a bootlace at the wrong moment during that walk, you will probably die. From 16,000 feet to 17,000 feet, for instance, the route follows the crest of a knife-edge ridge that presents a two-thousand-foot drop on one side and a three-thousand-foot drop on the other."
Cecil Groetken, Cowlitz Glacier crevasse exploration, Mt. Rainier, 2012.
French Alps near the base of Aiguille du Moine.
The following sounds and images were recorded in old growth redwood forests along the northern California coastline.
This is where the tallest trees in the world live. Some have been alive for 2000 years.
Audrey Sniezek working O'Draconian Devil (8b+ / 5.14a) in the IanisSector, Kalymnos, Greece.
Audrey Sniezek on Fun de Chichunne (8a / 5.13b) in the Grande Grotta, Kalymnos Greece.
Kahiltna Dome and Mt. Foraker from Denali.
Cecil Groetken on Denali's summit ridge during one of the worst season for summit success rates in 30 years.
Motion-controlled time-lapse of Sahale Mountain's summit. North Cascades, WA.
Self-portrait from the Kahiltna Glacier on Denali, AK.
Mt. Rainier.